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Thought Leadership Councils

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Learning and problem-solving are part of our jobs as IT professionals

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Four Councils. Problem-Solving Together.

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To help us all keep on top of developments on the issues that matter to IT leaders, the CIO Association of Canada is proud to announce our four IT Thought Leadership Councils.

Our four Thought Leadership Councils bring together members from coast to coast in a virtual thought leadership “brain trust” to problem-solve the challenges we all share in our roles every day.

The CIO Association of Canada will have four Thought Leadership Councils in 2020/21, as follows:

Talent Management Council – Recruiting and retaining key talent in the industry.
Technology Solutions Council – Keeping up with rapidly changing technology.
Future Forward Council – Keeping up with changes in the technology industry.
CIO Leadership Council – Elevating the recognition of the CIO profession.

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Be Seen as a Leader

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We are looking for experienced and passionate thought leaders to join our vibrant community of technology leaders. Do any of these issues speak to you? Use these links to register today to be a part of one of our Thought Leadership Councils:

Talent Management Council
Technology Solutions Council
Future Forward Council
CIO Leadership Council

Registration will be open until May 29th, 2020 and a first meeting will be scheduled for mid June, 2020.

Your commitment will include the following:
• One council term (September to June, with one meeting in the summer)
• A total of 5 – 7 hours and one meeting per month during each council term
• A virtual orientation session in June
• Working with other council members to source thought leadership materials year-round to share with members

Each Council will have a Chair, Vice-Chair and up to one dozen participants.

Keep up with the CIO Association of Canada to hear about more member benefits and other news.

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Représentant les DPI et les cadres en TI du Canada

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