CIOCAN Questionnaire May 2024

As you all know, May 29 is the day we meet to check in as a group on a number of important areas. We are in the planning stage for this day and would like your input as we refine the agenda. Please take a few minutes and offer your thoughts on topics important to cover on this day. Our main goal is to check in on how you see the operations of CIOCAN going and to refresh our strategic plan. 

CIOCAN Questionnaire May 2024
Please note the 1 – 10 scale in the questions below is set up as “1 is the least satisfied and 10 is the most satisfied.” We look forward to reading your completed surveys.
Most of our current National Board members had input into the 2023 – 2025 Strategic plan (for those that did not, you have been provided a copy for reference). Please review the plan and provide your thoughts to the following questions:

5. The following is a list of the major topics in the strategic plan. Please indicate your satisfaction as to the progress that was made on each area and offer your comments. Specifically, what progress did your chapter experience from the focus on each of the following areas: