

The most events for connecting and learning in the industry

CIOCAN events have gone virtual and it’s easier than ever for members to join events across the country. The majority of events are free to members while only a few require additional fees. Here’s a summary of the types of events CIOCAN puts on.

CIO Association members consistently rate networking opportunities as the most important benefit of their membership. A central purpose of the Association is to help members to grow and refine their executive skills. Put these two facts together, and you are led to the Association’s events. Each chapter offers their own local programs, and on a national basis the Association offers a webinar series and organizes the annual CIO Peer Forum™.

Event hosts:

Chapter Events

National Events

Industry Events

Event types and formats:

Virtual Events / Webinars

Networking Events

Social Events



Event content:

Expert Speakers

Peer Presentations

Panel Discussions

Reports & Studies

Award Ceremonies

If you would like to have an industry event listed please contact us.