Vancouver Chapter

Join us in Vancouver

The Vancouver Chapter is the vibrant founding chapter of the CIO Association of Canada. Our community of senior IT professionals is a hub of trusted peers, education, and career development. Connect with us at our in-person professional development events, online, and/or at our informal monthly gatherings (“Beers with Peers”). You will be welcomed by friendly faces who understand your unique challenges. You will not regret it.

Dianne Lapierre
Past Chapter President

The CIO Association of Canada has made a huge impact on my success as a CIO, through networking, information sharing and thought leadership. The role of CIO can be a lonely one in organizations – our peers are really our customers and it’s tough to ask for support from them when challenges arise. The contacts I have made in my 6 years of association and involvement with CIOCAN and the local Vancouver Chapter have been invaluable in my career and my personal growth.

Upcoming Events

Latest News

Welcome, Dharmesh Gandhi

Dharmesh Gandhi is the Chief Information Officer at BC Hydro. Check out Dharmesh’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Jessie Gill

Jessie Gill is the Senior Manager, Systems Technical Services at British Columbia Rapid Transit Company. Check out Jessie’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Yanida Lyvong

Yanida Lyvong is the Director of IT at Cansel. Check out Yanida’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Anup Bhulabhai

Anup Bhulabhai is the Director of IT at Neptune Bulk Terminals. Check out Anup’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Mary Thomson

Mary Thomson is the Director, Enterprise Applications and Programs at Canfor. Check out Mary’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Arron Martensen

Arron Martensen is the CIO – Director of IT at Metropolitan Hardwood Floors. Check out Arron’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Sidnei Barbosa

Sidnei Barbosa is the IT Operations Manager at Katcom Technologies. Check out Sidnei’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Joe Wong

Joe Wong is the Senior Vice President, Information Systems and Technology at Concert Properties. Check out Joe’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Adam Fletcher

Adam Fletcher is the Director, Technology Infrastructure and Operations at Concert Properties. Check out Adam’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Cory Scheuer

Cory Scheuer is the Director of Technology at Kandor Management Corp. Check out Cory’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Andy Leung

Andy Leung is the Co-Founder & CTO of Aquanow. Check out Andy’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, David Olson

David Olson is Director of Technology Experience at Copperleaf Technologies Inc. Check out David’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Alvin Punzalan

Alvin Punzalan is Director of IT at EarthDaily Analytics. Check out Alvin’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Farzaan Nusserwanji

Farzaan Nusserwanji is the CIO and Executive Director, Digital Solutions for SD62 Sooke School District . Check out Farzaan’s LinkedIn.

Welcome, Sam Shaabani

Sam Shaabani is the Director of IT and Cyber Security for Svante. Check out Sam’s LinkedIn.
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