Chris Valasek | Principal Autonomous Vehicle Security Architect & Renowned ‘White Hat’ Hacker | Cruise Automation

A renowned “white hat” hacker, this cybersecurity researcher helps you develop a greater understanding of cyber vulnerabilities and emerging threats—and solutions for protecting business assets and society.

CIO Peer Forum 2020, Day 1: Keynote speaker

Internet of Things vs. the Security of Things

News headlines make startling announcements of cyber-hacks ranging from home security systems to patient healthcare records to the electric grid.  What the heck is going on?  This is not the future we were promised!  Fortunately, you’re going to hear from a renowned “White Hat” hacker and expert who will provide valuable perspective.  Chris Valasek has hacked everything from computers to phones – even a Jeep Cherokee operating on an Interstate highway hundreds of miles away — all for the purpose of revealing vulnerabilities in systems said to be air-tight secure. Incorporating stories from professional practice and research, Chris Valasek talks about what makes IoT devices so different from normal computers and why they are uniquely vulnerable. However, it is not all doom and gloom. Valasek also shares why we shouldn’t necessarily be too scared about IoT security and how we can safely keep iterating and advancing technology moving forward without fear of a cyber apocalypse.

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