Irving Tyler | Research Vice President | Gartner

Irving Tyler is a Research Vice President with Gartner’s CIO Research team focusing on strategy and innovation. Mr. Tyler’s work is directed towards enabling CIOs and other executives understand and navigate the complex challenges of business design, strategy development and innovation management to advance business value. His work examines business concepts and tools such as business model design, jobs theory and design thinking and enables CIOs and executives to leverage these with success.


CIO Peer Forum 2019, Day 1: Plenary speaker

Driving and Enabling Digital Business:
The CIO’s Executive Jobs


The executive leadership team faces many challenges in delivering digital business success at scale. Most enterprises are “hitting the wall” with their digital strategies. CEOs have identified they want their CIOs to enable and drive digital as business executives. CIOs have six amazing jobs they can execute to contribute to digital business design, strategy and execution.

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