2023 MMITM – West Speaker Submission Speaker First Name Speaker Last Name Speaker Title Speaker Company Speaker Phone Number Timezone Speaker Email Speaker Social Media Handles Speaker Biography Maximum 250 words, marketing-ready Speaker Photo Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 5MB ‘Head shot’ photo in jpeg of png format, picture size minimum 200 px by 200 px, file size minimum 50 kb Session Title All speakers must complete this field with the exception of panel speakers. Please make this as marketing ready as you can. Session Description All speakers must complete this field with the exception of panel speakers. Be sure to include what CIOs will learn, compelling reasons for them to attend. Do you have a co-presenter? (limit of one co-presenter unless a panel) Yes No Co-Presenter First Name Co-Presenter Last Name Co-Presenter Title Co-Presenter Company Co-Presenter Email Co-Presenter Biography no more than 250 words Co-Presenter Photo Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 5MB ‘Head shot’ photo in jpeg of png format, picture size minimum 200 px by 200 px, file size minimum 50 kb Does CIOCAN have permission to post a pdf or recorded version of the presentation in the Members Only area of our website Yes. The presentation may be posted. No. The presentation may not be posted. reCAPTCHA Website/URL Website/URL If you are human, leave this field blank. Next