Tony Buu | Director, Mobility Network & Technology Strategy | TELUS

With over 20 years of broad experience in technology strategy and implementation, Tony has held a number of senior management positions at TELUS in various areas of the business. Currently, Tony works closely with mobility network implementation, network operations and technical client support to deliver leadership and visionary thinking.

A fierce advocate of next-generation network deployment strategies, Tony contributes to technology innovation while overseeing highly strategic and complex projects across Canada and around the globe.

CIO Peer Forum 2019, Day 1: Breakout Session Speaker

5G and the supercharged technology of the future

From artificial intelligence to Internet of things to virtual reality, the arrival of 5G will further accelerate tech developments and shake up organizations of every size like never before. Not only will it radically transform our lives in the coming years, it’s expected to create huge opportunities that will profoundly affect business operations.

How will you leverage its full potential? Beyond the possibilities that new technologies and infrastructures bring, you will need to reconsider your technology roadmap and investment strategy, as well as the employee experience, too. To help you prepare, Tony will talk about 5G’s unique capabilities, the surge of new technology following its release, and the importance of scenario planning and looking ahead.

Register here.