Vancouver Chapter Member named CIOCAN Lifetime Member

For outstanding contribution and service to the CIO Association of Canada, and its predecessor, the CIO Association of BC (CIOABC), Jim Williams has been named the second-only CIOCAN Lifetime Member.

Jim Williams, Catherine Boivie and Blaize Reich were on that fateful bus trip to a Seattle I.T. Leadership Conference in 1997 that resulted in the inspiration to start up a Canadian Association for CIOs.  Jim was CIOABC Chapter President for 3 years prior to the formation of the National Association.  Since then, Jim has worked consistently on membership growth, and on development of 5 new chapters at CIOCAN.  He continues to be a valued member of the National strategy team.

Most recently with A&W Canada, Jim is currently considering whether or not retirement suits him.  No matter what his decision, we want to make sure that Jim’s knowledge, expertise and dedication are not lost  to CIOCAN, and that he will be active with the association for many years to come.