CAL-Cyber Security

“Why You Should Never Use the Elevator at DEF CON, and Other News You Can Use from the Hacker Frontlines”

The Calgary Chapter of the CIO Association was pleased to collaborate with the Calgary Office of Bennett Jones to offer our most recent event.  Those who were unable to join missed a lovely meal, but we don’t want you to miss the important content of the presentations.  Slides from Tom Keenan’s presentation include his contact information.  Chapter members are free to contact him and follow-up directly with him if you have any questions or would like additional information.

Stephen Burns, from Bennett Jones, mentioned some of the materials that they have available to help organizations deal with the recent changes to the PIPEDA legislation regarding mandatory breach reporting.  A brief item that they made available to our members is also posted (link to download is below). It references four on-line resources that are available to you to help with your preparations for the November 1 changes in PIPEDA Breach Reporting requirements.  The webinar requires a sign-in process with your name and email address.  Tom Keenan would probably advise you to “use your discretion.”  🙂

Thanks again for attending and supporting CIOCAL.

Materials available from Bennett Jones:

What to Expect with Mandatory Breach Notification

With thanks to Bennett Jones, the following links are shared with CIOCAL members to help prepare for the new regulations, effective November 1.

Members can download the slides from Dr. Tom Keenan’s presentation by clicking the icon below.