Managing Innovation in the Digital Economy: It’s not just technology

We have all been well aware of UBER’s impact on the taxi industry here in Calgary, and how the taxi sector was ill-prepared to deal with the changes brought about by digital technologies (smart phones, google maps, PayPal, cloud computing). They are catching up but not before losing market share and significant company and license plate value to the insurgents.
Have you considered whether your company (and industry) might be exposed to the same potential disruption?  As CIO, are you providing appropriate insight and leadership to your C-suite colleagues and organization to investigate, pursue and capture the real value that digital technologies can bring across the full value spectrum?  Do you have a point of view about where the real value might lie for your company to utilize technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable digital monitoring devices, Virtual Reality consumer products, Augmented Intelligence, Consumer and Business Analytics, etc.  These will almost certainly play a role in your future; but where and how?
On February 16, Geoffrey Cann, Partner with Monitor Deloitte in Calgary  specializing in Managing Innovation and the Energy Sector, presented his perspectives from his recent experiences working with Natural Gas and LNG initiatives in Australia. He presented an extract from Monitor Deloitte’s recent studies of the state of innovation, a framework for thinking about innovation, and a practical example that demonstrates how to apply that framework to design an “UBER-style” solution for the Oil & Gas services sector.  The takeaway for us was an excellent model of the 10 areas of an organization’s product/service offering and where and how innovation using digital technologies might deliver improved value to both customers and organizations.

Geoffrey’s slides are available on the members Only webpage.

Members interested in obtaining a copy of the innovation study may contact Geoffrey directly.